Yoga and Pregnancy
If you are pregnant, please take time to read the following:
Firstly, you are very welcome to Yoga at this special time of life.
Above all enjoy this miraculous time in your life!
Firstly, you are very welcome to Yoga at this special time of life.
- You should be 14 weeks pregnant before you start attending the class
- If you have any health problems, or have had any problems with your pregnancy, check with your doctor before attending a yoga class. If health problems arise during the pregnancy let the teacher know as yoga practices may help and/or the class program may need modification
- Wear loose comfortable clothing
- It is wise to have a light snack about one hour before the class to keep the blood sugar levels raised.
- In this class you are asked not to lie on your back as this could restrict the baby’s oxygen and you may feel faint. If possible lie on the left side with the top knee bent as this encourages the baby to position itself in the right position for birth. If this is not comfortable lie on the right side with the top knee bent. If it feels more comfortable to bring a pillow for this position, please do so.
- If you feel faint when doing any standing postures lie down and rest.
- If you have low blood pressure do the postures sitting on a stool or chair
- Because of the hormone relaxin, which helps the ligaments to soften in preparation for birth, all your joints are more supple. So be careful not to over-stretch !
- It is good to do some yoga at home on a daily basis and always include the breathing practices
- At all times listen to your body and never force or strain, and if at any time you feel uncomfortable, stop and take a rest.
- You can resume yoga 10 to 12 weeks after you give birth, but check with your doctor first.
Above all enjoy this miraculous time in your life!